Month: October 2023

Troop 604

Camping at Sage Ranch with Webelos on Veteran’s Day

Troop 604 will have a join campout with the Webelos of Pack 3604 on Veteran’s Day, Saturday November 11th. The afternoon of the flag ceremony we’ll head up and go camping.

Veteran’s Day Flag Ceremony on 11/11

Troop 604 will be performing the two flag ceremonies in Moorpark on Saturday, November 11.

Spooky Story and S’mores on 10/23 at the Fire Pit

We will be hosting the Webelos of Pack 3604 for Spooky Story and S’mores at the fire pit on Monday, 10/23.

Reyes Creek Backpack Trip on 10/7/23

Due to weather concerns for this weekend ,we have re-scheduled the Reyes Creek Backpack for the following week (October 7).

Stoney Point Rappel on 11/18

The Stoney Point Rappel will be scheduled for Saturday November 18th. Please keep in mind, this is the Saturday before Thanksgiving week.